Tuesday 3 September 2013

Holidays, Notebooks and Chocolate

These are the three main things you need to write a book. Of course you need the tools still, e.g. a laptop, but these are the things that actually help you to come up with all of your ideas and eventually the plot.

This is the time where you can relax and just watch the world go by or do something that you've always wanted to do. Whatever you chose to do it will help you find inspiration in one way or another because often this is the time where you can let your mind go and ponder different things. Here the old saying~ Stop and smell the roses~ applies.

When you have the initial idea this is when you have time to consider what kind of characters you would like to use, where the story is going to be set and most importantly what is going to happen in your story.

Personally, I love notebooks. I have so many for different reasons because I find that they are a lovely place for me to scribble my ideas in, before I forget them and they are where I organize the plot and figure out the characteristics of each character.

Imagine lying in bed in the dark just thinking. All of a sudden you come up with an amazing idea but you don't have anywhere to write it down so you try and remember it. By morning you've already forgotten your wonderful idea. You can spend hours trying to remember what it was only to get a headache and be forced to give up. This is why notebooks are so important.

Notebooks can also be a great place to write little notes about things at  you have experienced recently and activities that you've done (this helps when one of your characters are in a similar situation because you will be able to understand it better) . Also it is a place where you can write down anything you observed hat catches your eye.

Okay well, chocolate helps because chocolate is chocolate. Someone once told me that there is something in chocolate that makes you feel happy and I totally agree with the person. Chocolate makes you feel warm inside and personally, I find it easier to write when I'm happy so chocolate is definitely important.

If for some strange reason you don't like chocolate, then there are so many other ways to feel inspired and happy which makes your writing better.

Just remember:

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