Wednesday 28 August 2013


What do the Eiffel Tower, the sea and Table Mountain have in common?

All three of them can be a source of inspiration. For example the Eiffel Tower could inspire a piece of artwork, the sea could be the inspiration for the interior of a bedroom whilst Table Mountain could be the inspiration for a sculpture.

Inspiration is everywhere, in everything and everyone, you just have to be able to notice it. One of the best ways to do that is to look at everything with an open mind, and dare to wonder about the object, place or person. This is a fun activity (especially if you're driving, flying or just plain bored). Even then inspiration may not leap out at you and lead you to a great idea, because inspiration is on its own clock.  As infuriating as this is; you have to be patient. It will come when you least expect it and when it does you will feel amazing.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Being different

Normalcy is everywhere and it's in almost everyone. But personally I think normal is boring. Normal is waking up every morning, getting changed, eating, going to school, doing schoolwork, sports and homework before washing, eating and going to sleep; only to do the exact same thing the next day.

I'll admit it; I lived a pretty normal life until Grade 3 when I fell in love with reading and writing. Even from then on my life was quite ordinary until 2013.

This year I realized I no longer cared about being normal; I wanted to be unique. My uniqueness lead to a whole lot of daydreaming and changing my habits so I could be the girl I wanted to be and reach for my dream.

If I hadn't decided to be different then, I probably would be miles away from my goal, but instead now I am Kirsten.A. Everett a unique teenager who has reached her dream and published her own book.

Anyway, my point is don't be afraid to do something that isn't normal. Be unique. Be true to yourself!