Wednesday 5 November 2014

My Celebrity Dinner Party

Dinner parties are quite popular right now, so much so that there are numerous television programmes dedicated to filming them. After analysing a few episodes I began wondering who I would invite if I had a celebrity dinner party. What would I cook? Who would I hire to entertain my guests? What would my theme be? How could I impress them?

Those questions required a lot of thinking but after a few weeks I’ve come up with some great answers.

My guest list:

Most of the dinner party hosts on the TV programmes I’ve been watching only invite three guests and so I’ve had to cut my guest list down to only three people.

Amanda Hocking (Author of the Trylle Series)

Malala Yousafzai (17 year old Pakastani Activist and the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize)

Niall Horan (The only Irish member in One Direction)

An author, singer and an activist? That’s certainly not your typical concoction for a celebrity dinner party. Some people might go so far as to say that it’s a boring combination. But, those people obviously don’t know that my three celebrity guests all represent different parts of me. For instance, during the process of writing and editing my first book I began to admire other authors even more. And one in particular is Amanda Hocking, for reasons you’ll understand when you read a bit more about her road to becoming an author (the link to her website is at the bottom so you can check it out if you have time). I would invite Malala because she is one of my role models. She was strong and brave at a time when she could have been a coward and no one would have judged her. Like Amanda I really admire her and so this would be a great opportunity to chat to her. As for Niall, most of you may know that I’m a HUGE Directioner but what you may not know is that my favourite member of the band is the Irish blonde. Thus, inviting him to my celebrity party is proof that even though I’m an author and an activist, I’m still a teenage girl who likes to have fun and listen to good music. 

After much pondering I’ve decided that the theme would be:

Around the world in one evening, it sounds like a cliché but I think I can make it work really well and it’ll be quite impactful because we’re all from different countries so we’ll all have different stories to share.

(PS: I'm going have to make all of that from scratch - I'll have to start practicing already!!)

When each course is served the guests will be asked to guess which country the dish originally came from. The first person to get the correct answer will be given a sweet delicacy from the same country.


Every good dinner party has great entertainment and to make sure that my dinner party is not an exception I would hire some dancers to teach my guests and I a short traditional African/Indian or a ballroom dance.

As for music I’m open to suggestions but I guess it would have to match the theme so maybe a variety of songs and song genres. If my guests accept my invitation then I’m going to spend some time composing a playlist of songs I could play for them. I’ll definitely add some One Direction songs just so I can hear Niall singing along to them :p

So, now all I have to do is design the invitations and find a way to convince my celebrities to fly all the way here to have a dinner party with me.

A little bit more about my celebrity guests:

Amanda Hocking:

Malala Yousafzai:

Niall Horan:

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