Tuesday 20 January 2015

Mother Nature Calls

We all have our heroes. We would all bow down and clean their shoes if they asked us to. Some of us might even embark on adventurous journeys just to spend more time with the ones we admire. And, if they died and used their last words to beg us to save the environment, surely we would immediately start doing so?
But, then again, we are human and thus even when we are fully committed to a cause we sometimes get distracted and forget about it. So, if we are going to work towards a green future I believe we need some things to remind us about our dream in case we forget it.

First of all, we need a prayer and I have found what I believe is the perfect one for our adventure:
A Prayer of Commitment
Every part of this earth is sacred.
Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the children of the Earth.
The air is precious;
for all of us share the same breath
This we know, the Earth does not belong to us:
we belong to the Earth
this we know, all things are connected;
like the blood which unites one family
our God is the same God,
whose compassion is equal for all.
For we did not weave the web of life:
We are merely a strand in it.
Whatever we do to the web
We do to ourselves.
In honour of Ian [Player] and in gratitude for this planet of life
We commit ourselves to do all we can to uphold and preserve life in all its diversity.

Second, we need a symbol to remind us of our quest: this shall be a tree and thus every time you see a tree you must remember that we must respect our environment (hopefully you’re not living in a desert).

If you still need something else, then I suggest you go to the nearest spot of wilderness (it does not have to be a game reserve) and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. This will be enough to inspire you to change your ways: recycle, become an activist against poaching and campaign for people to respect the environment.

After all, if we are lazy and do not act now; there will be not much left to save.


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