Sunday 12 October 2014

Response to a Letter I Received

Dear Samantha and all of my other readers,

This was a thought provoking letter that began turning the cogs of my imagination. After a lot of thinking I think I may have found two suitable answers for you. First of all, I want you to know that I completely understand your train of thought however, if you look at the situation differently you realize that this film was a very good thing even though it was expensive. This is because so many people were hired in order to making this film a success. As many countries are dealing with reasonably high unemployment rates this is beneficial to society (even if it's just in one country as a large amount of people would be hired).

Your second question was whether it was fair that some people got paid more money than others though their roles in society differ. The simple answer is that life is not fair and as a result seeking fairness in a situation like this will end in dissatisfaction. However, if you want a more complicated answer you need to understand that a person's role in society may not seem too important at a glance but when analysed you realize that they are more valuable than you first thought. For example, you may think that an actor is not particularly valuable in society because their job does not directly affect you. Yet, if all of the actors and actresses were removed from society you would realize that there would be fewer sources of entertainment and thus more people would be suffering from stress.

I hope this helps,
Kirsten A. Everett

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