Friday 24 January 2014

Meet Rea and Robyn!!

Today (the 24th of January) is St Francis de Sales Feastday. He is patron saint of Writers and Journalists which is weird because today is the day I planned on posting the interviews with my two editors. Maybe it was a sign. I don't know, but I do know that it's time for you to read it all. Enjoy!!

First up: Robyn!

If you had to summarize yourself into two sentences what would you say?
I'm a crazy, sport loving girl. I'm never happier than when my nose is in a book or I'm with my friends and family.
Why do you like being an editor?
I like being an editor as I get to see your amazing work and I'm proud that you chose me to help you and trusted my input. I like feeling that I can make a difference
What was your favourite scene in Escaping Extinction? Why?
My favourite scene in Escaping Extinction is probably when Beth tells Jayden that she loves him, because I was dying for them to be together and I kept asking you to make sure they get together :)
Do you have a favourite character in Eclipse Child and its sequel?
Jayden, because he has all the qualities of a great friend, always supporting Beth and making sacrifices to do what is right and save the rhinos.
What do you do in your spare time, when you're not editing?
I read books, listen to music, play sport and spend time with the people I love.
If there was one book that you could choose to live in which would it be?
Definitely Harry Potter, I really want to fly on a broomstick and cast spells, and make the world better
Which character would you be in that book?
Wow, that is difficult . I wish to be a combination of characters, as I admire many of their characteristics, the trios friendship, Harry's bravery, Hermione's determination and smartness, but probably Luna Lovegood, as she is not afraid to be herself and I really admire people who are like that, and strive to be myself at all times
What career do you want to have when you’re older?
Something that makes the world better, make a difference, make life easier. And being a nerd, probably engineering, you know they say nerds run the world.
Is there a certain quote that you live by?
There are a few..

You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium. This comes from my favourite song, Titanium. This quote is inspirational to me because I don't care what people think about me. People should not judge you based on what you look like and try and make you feel self-conscious. But this quote says you stand up for yourself.

To get to know her better follow her on twitter:

Next up: Rea!

If you had to summarize yourself into two sentences what would you say?
I am a very loving and lively person and I like to think I’m trustworthy. I am a huge perfectionist (annoyingly so) and I think that’s why I love editing.

What's your favourite thing about yourself?
I like the fact that I don’t give up (even if it takes a while). Whether it’s getting some information out of a friend or for schoolwork, I always find a way to do the absolute best I can. I also have an amazing gut instinct which can sometimes get me out of sticky situations - I don’t know what I’d do without it.

We all know that you're an editor, but what would you say is the best part of having this role?
Well, firstly I like that I get to have the first look at a book and know all about it before anyone else does, but I suppose the best part would be that I get to put my perfectionism to good use. Sometimes I find mistakes in professional bestselling published books and it is great that I am now allowed to edit them.

What was your favourite scene in Eclipse Child and why?
I think one of my favourite parts in Eclipse Child is when Jayden is answering questions in Beth’s biology class and Beth is jealous of the girls fawning over him. I find it quite funny that she is jealous when it is obvious he only likes Beth. It has a bitter ending though, when Maya is rude to her.

Who is your favourite character in both books?
In both of them I really like Jayden, but I guess that you are supposed to like him. He is always there for Beth and he always stands up for her. I also like Maya because you can see that, as best friends, Maya and Beth really share something special.

Tell us something about yourself that is important to you:
This is not particularly about me but I value my friends and depend on them so much through everything. I also find that my biggest wish and dream is to do something meaningful with my life, something that I will be remembered by.

What do you do in your spare time, when you're not editing?
I love listening to music, singing and reading. I also enjoy writing. I’ve started a few books and I am hoping to finish one of them by this year. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will go well.

What's the title of your favourite book?
This is a very hard one for me as I have about 50 favourite books. I usually prefer books in a series so I think my top five favourite series would be: The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling; The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer; The (unfinished) Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore; The Gallagher Girls Series by Ally Carter; and The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan.

Last question, who is your role model?

I prefer to always be the best that I can be than aspire to be like someone else. I wouldn’t mind having a role model though; I suppose I just haven’t found the right person to look up to yet.

To get to know her better follow her on twitter:

So now you know a little more about two of my editors :)

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