Thursday 17 September 2015

We Need To Change Our Ways
Climate Change is real.

Be Scared.

So many people dismiss scientific evidence that proves global warming exists whilst others shrug their shoulders and simply don’t care. Well, here’s what will happen if we don’t correct our ways.

1.      Changing rainfall patterns
Hundreds of years ago many of the desserts around us were beautiful forests, but now they’re just sand. Very few plants and animals exist in these areas and so you should be shocked to know that if we don’t get rain many of our grasslands will dry up into desserts. We can’t let that happen because then we would lose precious farming space as well as our Grassland biome. This will mean that thousands of people will be hungrier or even face starvation and many plants and animals will go extinct. On top of that a change in rainfall patterns will create massive floods in some areas. We all know that floods are dangerous but they could be much, much worse in the years to come. Islands that exist now may not be around in 10 years’ time.

2.      Extreme Global Warming
 When the temperature increases we are forced to kiss snow days and icebergs goodbye. Although this will mean a Titanic-like incident will not occur it also means that the polar bears will rapidly lose their habitat. And, with the icecaps melting the sea level will increase causing flooding. But, polar bears aren’t the only animals who will suffer because of Global Warming, other animals will have to adjust to the extremely hot temperatures or they will go extinct. At the same time, more people will suffer from heat-related illnesses and deaths because heat waves will increase.

3.      Economic Losses
Many people overlook this effect of climate change but it is important. Because of the rising sea temperatures certain fish populations (such as lobsters) have plummeted and therefore fishermen have not been able to catch enough fish to sustain their livelihood. Moreover, because the amount of snow is declining ski resorts have not been able to make as much money. On top of all of this, there has been (and will continue to be) an increase in natural disasters which means that more money will be spent on the relocation of people and recovery from these disasters.
So, if you don’t want all this to happen it’s about time you start caring for the environment.

How do we correct our ways?
·         Change from using fossil fuels to renewable energy
·         Use public transport or carpools
·         Conserve water
·         Recycle
·         Educate friends and family about Climate Change
·         Eat local food (fossil fuels are emitted when food is transferred around the country and the world)
·         Waste less food


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