Friday 19 June 2015

A Letter to My Future Self

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A common interview question is: what would tell your younger self? However, since I’m still quite young that question is not really applicable and so I’ve spent hours wondering what I would tell my 30 year old self just in case I’m asked this version of the question.

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to send an older version of me an email. Unfortunately I don’t know what my email address will be in fourteen years’ time so I hope I’ll be able to read this email on my blog.

Here it is:

Dear Older Version of Me,

I know you might consider yourself old and wise, but I think there are a few lessons that I could teach you. You probably know them already; however, they may be so far back in your mind you may not remember them clearly.

The first thing I’d like to say is actually a question: What career are you working in? Although it might sound like a strange question I’m currently wishing I could tell the future in order to discover which career interests me the most. I am getting closer to an answer but I’m not entirely sure what to choose just yet.

Anyway back to the lessons I want to teach you, I know the life you are leading is incredibly busy and there may be times when you consider giving up your hobbies but promise me you won’t. You need an outlet for your creativity or else your imagination will stage a military coup and take over your brain. Equally importantly, you also need to find time to relax even though your life is hectic. If you can find time for this you will be even happier and much more capable of tackling life’s obstacles.

I also want to tell you that if you ever feel overwhelmed by something (e.g. your workload) just take a deep breath. You’re awesome!! You’re a role model to many of the people who know you and you’re a brave girl who has achieved so much in her life. Now that you know this, take a step back and look at your life through a new perspective. If you haven’t been on five adventures yet  you had better start booking your flights.

Believe in yourself!

Kirsty (Age 16)

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