Sunday 25 May 2014


This week I've spent numerous hours speaking to people and telling them about my journey to reaching my dream. At first when I realized how hectic this week was going to be I was really nervous. In fact, by the time I reached Monday I was already dreading the three talks, partly because I had a cold so my voice was weird, and partly because I didn't know what I was going to say.

But as the week flew by I tried not to worry about the words, then I eventually realized that I couldn't put it off any longer. I HAD to start planning my speech. So, one evening whilst sitting in my room I let my mind wonder about my journey. I remembered all of the hard work I had put into writing my stories when I was eight years old. I remembered the long afternoons I had spent in front of the computer as I typed my books up one letter at a time.

As I sat there lost in thought I realized just how much I had matured over the years. At first my ideas were about fairies or princesses and my plots were only a few sentences long, but after a while my characters became more interesting and I came up with a few twists and turns for my plot.

My books now contained lessons that would teach my readers more about themselves as well as more about the world. I now used stronger words, and my grammar was much better. Another thing that had changed over time was my writing voice/tone, I was no longer the shy little girl that used to hide behind her mom when she was scared, I had matured into a teenager who was willing to stand up for what she believed in.

So as my eyelids started drooping and my mom told me it was time for bed I smiled, pleased I had come up with a few ideas for what I was going to tell everyone. After all, the best way to inspire someone to chase their dream is by telling them that it's possible because you've achieved yours :)

And I have, thanks to everyone who helped me along the way.

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