Friday 2 May 2014


Every single person on this planet is afraid of something. Even the people who pretend that they aren't, somewhere deep inside there is a small part of them that's terrified of something. So, like every other person there are things that I'm scared of.

My first fear is of change. That's one of the reasons why I've lived in the same neighborhood for over five years, stayed at the same school for high school and it also explains why I like to go to the same shopping centers and the same restaurants that I've always gone too. But, even though my fear of change makes me indecisive at times I'm slowly learning to overcome it. One step at a time.

And that step came in the form of getting my ears pierced. You see, at first my parents had said that I could only get them done after I turned 12 so I waited. Then, after I turned 12 they asked me when I wanted to get them pierced and I told them that I would rather wait another year. And then another. And then another. Almost four years later a few months before I turned 16 I finally decided to get them pierced. So, it took me all that time to decide that I wanted to have them done, partly because I knew that it was impossible to undo the piercing. Even if I decided to let the holes close up then there'd still be marks where they used to be. But in the end I overcame my fear of change and had them done to prove it.

Another fear that I've started to get over is of spiders. I still remember the one morning when I was on my way to the kitchen when I saw a HUGE rain spider hanging above the doorframe. I stifled a scream and took a few steps back before deciding that I would wait until my dad released the spider into the garden before I would eat breakfast. Thankfully he caught it and soon freed it into a bush, and now a few years later I'm able to walk past a spider and not even flinch. (The key is to pretend that it's not there).

So, if you're ever in a situation where your chest is tightening and your adrenaline races through your veins; just take a deep breath in and know that God is watching over you and you can truly do anything you set your mind too.

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